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Author: Vijaya Kumar



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October 07, 2006

Using AJAX based 3rd party controls in ASP.NET1.1

Recently i was working on one of the project which has developed AJAX based style by using RAD controls developed by telerik. Telerik RadDataGrid control using the AJAX based Client to Server interaction without refresh the page.

But the problem we faced when we were using the ASp.net controls like dropdownlist or list control on the same page which already added the Rad contorls, page is refreshing, due to that whole page is reloading again due to normal asp.net web control autopostback = true.

Becuase of page refresh, it's taking long time to reload and effecting the application performace, so to increase the performance of the application and to avoid page reloads, we removed all the Telerik Rad controls and normal asp.net web controls, instead of that we used the PowerWeb LIve Controls which provides the same AJAX based client interaction with out page refreshes.. It's amazing and easy to use PowerWebLIve controls.

No Need to change any code written in aspx.vb file, what we have to change the control declaration definition..that's it. You can do wonders using Power Web Live controls..It's really amazing stuff.

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